Timber Structures
members of the
Timber Framer’s Guild of North America,
Woodborne Design is a highly qualified timber
frame design firm. We have a special interest in
projects that involve the craft of timber
framing and we’re particularly proud of our
timber frame homes and community
amenities. We view the timber frame homes and
custom timber frame structures we design today
as gifts to our children and grandchildren.
Timber frame structures make brilliant use of a
renewable resource and are endowed with
qualities that allow them to endure in our
hearts and in our lives for generation after
We love that timber frame structures do not need
to be covered up or embellished by superfluous
architectural detail. The inherent beauty of
timber frame construction is derived from the
efficient structure and natural beauty of wood.
At Woodborne Design, we’ve made it a point of
pride to be well educated about the properties
of wood species. We approach every timber frame
design decision with great care to achieve
superior long term performance and a lasting
aesthetic sense of harmony with nature.
the years we’ve acquired an extensive
understanding of timber frame construction.
We’ve spent a great deal of time developing
relationships with timber craftsmen, learning
about the way timber frame structures are cut
from individual timbers, how they are assembled
piece by piece, and becoming keenly attuned to
the many special considerations of timber frame
construction. We build timber frame structures
in our 3D modeling software the same way they’re
built in the craftsman’s workshop; piece by
piece, with precision and attention to every
last detail. We model and analyze every
connection to ensure your frame is structurally
sound, easy to cut and assemble, and of course,
beautiful to behold as a finished work of art.
The timber frame home or structure you desire
may not yet be fully formed in your mind, but
rest assured, we at Woodborne Design have the
tools and the talent to help you develop your
love of timber framing into a real live
timber frame home, addition, or other amenity.
Whether the project involves traditional
wood-to-wood joinery techniques, internal or
external steel plates, other contemporary
joining innovations, or a combination of all of
the above, Woodborne Design is extremely well
equipped to tackle any timber frame design